Umbrella Policy can be a foreign term to some. To others, it may be a term that is familiar but they may be unsure of how an umbrella policy can protect them specifically. It is important to the entire team at Haddock and Associates in Coeur d'Alene and Sandpoint that our clients are educated on what insurance products will fit with the level of protection they need and want. Most umbrella policies are so cost effective, you can't afford NOT to have them. Give us a call today and talk with the team that offers the most experience in the insurance field.
"An umbrella insurance policy is extra liability insurance coverage that goes beyond the limits of the insured's home, auto or watercraft insurance. It provides an additional layer of security to those who are at risk for being sued for damages to other people's property or injuries caused to others in an accident. It also protects against libel, vandalism, slander and invasion of privacy. An umbrella insurance policy is very helpful when the insurance owner is sued and the dollar limit of the original policy has been exhausted. The added coverage provided by liability insurance is most useful to individuals who own a lot of assets or very expensive assets and are at significant risk for being sued."
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